WFA: Markkinointialan ensimmäinen globaali selvitys tasa-arvon ja monimuotoisuuden toteutumisesta

Selvityksessä ovat markkinoijien lisäksi mukana toimistoja edustavat EACA ja VoxComm sekä Campaign ja Kantar.

Lisäksi tutkimushanketta tukevat monet johtavat brändit kuten Diageo, GSK, Havas, Mars, Mondelez and Reckitt.

WFA:n Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce uskoo, että koronapandemia on hidastanut monimuotoisuuden lisäämiseen tähtääviä hankkeita ja vaikuttanut kielteisesti erityisesti naisten asemaan työmarkkinoilla. Selvitys on jatkoa mm. Britannian All In  -aloitteelle.

Tulokset julkaistaan Campaign-mediassa sekä toimialan tapahtumissa lokakuussa 2021. WFA aikoo tämän jälkeen jatkaa tutkimuksen seurantaa yhteistyössä Kantarin ja Campaignin kanssa.

Stephan Loerke, WFA CEO: “This is a historic moment for our industry. For all the talk of ‘we are in this together’, the pandemic has shown this to be simply untrue. Inequalities have been exacerbated by recent hardships. Anecdotal evidence suggests the industry is going backwards on diversity and inclusion. It is imperative we get a first-ever industry baseline so that we can draw a line in the sand and move forward together in improving the state of diversity, equity and inclusion in our industry.”

Tamara Daltroff, Director General, EACA and President, VoxComm: “Agencies and agency associations already have their own census in place to monitor and drive change but complementing this existing research will provide us with a wider, cross-cultural view on diversity, equity and inclusion- enabling us to continue bridging the gaps in our industry. We are aiming to drive improvement together, for the benefit of our industry now and in the future. I want to express my special thanks to every participant; getting standardised data across the globe will equip us with a global industry baseline for the first time.”

Dr. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General, Executive Director of UN Women and Chair of the Unstereotype Alliance: “Progress in diversity and inclusion across the advertising industry has been inching forward where it should be racing ahead. The recent State of the Industry report launched by the Unstereotype Alliance shows that mechanisms to measure and hold organizations to account are critical to the improvement that is so urgently required. This census is an important step to uncover the extent to which marginalized and under-represented groups are under-resourced, and to help identify a clear path for progress.”

Lähde: WFA


About WFA

The World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) makes marketing better by championing more effective and sustainable marketing communications. It is the voice of marketers worldwide, representing 90 % of global marketing communications spend – roughly US$900 billion per annum. WFA connects the world’s biggest brand owners and national advertiser associations in more than 60 markets, bringing together tens of thousands of brands at local level. Together, they create a global network which offers a unique source of leadership, expertise and inspiration. More information at

About EACA

Established in 1959, the Brussels-based European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) reunites more than 2500 communications agencies and agency associations from nearly 30 European countries. EACA’s purpose is to engage with EU policymakers, the industry and stakeholders in order to provide its members in with the most favourable business and legal framework they need to thrive. Through initiatives like inspire!, edcom, and the IMC & Effie Awards Europe, EACA is continuously working on the educational, qualitative, and sustainable aspects of advertising in Europe. For more information, visit

About VoxComm

Established in 2020, VoxComm is the new global voice for agencies, championing the value that agencies bring to their clients as turbo boosters for growth. With 36 national trade associations from around the globe, VoxComm stand for the power of commercial creativity in all its forms – across strategy, ideas, content and media – as a proven lever for growth that businesses neglect at their peril. For more information, visit

Uutiskirjeen tilaajana saat markkinoinnin ja viestinnän uutiset sekä uusimman MRKTNG-lehden ensimmäisten joukossa. Saat myös viikottain koulutuksistamme kerättyjä vinkkejä käyttöösi sekä tietoa järjestämistämme koulutuksista.

One thought on “WFA: Markkinointialan ensimmäinen globaali selvitys tasa-arvon ja monimuotoisuuden toteutumisesta

  1. Ilkka Kahila

    Tämähän vaikuttaa sillä tavalla olevan soopaa, että eihän tässä kyse mistään aidosta asioiden tutkimisesta ole, vaan on etukteen päätetty, että koronalla on ollut erityisen huono vaikutus alan naisille ja alan monimuotoisuudelle. Ei kai kukaan oikeasti kuvittele, että kun asioita näidän tahojen toimesta ”tutkitaan”, niin tuloksena havaittaisiinkin jotakin muuta.

    Se ihmetyttää, miksi tällaiset falskin ideologiset jutut menee läpi. Onko kyse vain pyrkimyksestä alan julkisivun kiillottamiseen?



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