Unstereotype: maksuton webinaari jäsenillemme 8.11.

Osallistu liiton jäsenyrityksille maksuttomaan webinaariin: #Unstereotype. Progressive gender portrayals in advertising

Torstai 8.11.2018   05:00 PM EET – 06:00 PM EET

Stereotypes are everywhere, we can’t escape them. It’s that unconscious bias we place on things before we even know it, that is why they can be harmful. As advertisers, we have the power to influence culture and society in a positive way by portraying women and men proportionally and realistically. Critically, there is also a very compelling case for why industry must break down harmful stereotypes: progressive brands perform better.

Join WFA, P&G and UN Women for an hour-long webinar covering:

1. Why it’s important for brands to move with the times in terms of gender representation
2. How companies can champion the theme individually and what P&G has been doing in this area
3. What can be done collectively as an industry to move the needle

• Anne Bonnaillie, Associate Director – Brand Building and Integrated Communication, P&G
• Jennifer Cooper, Coordinator of the Unstereotype Alliance, UN Women
• Stephan Loerke, Chief Executive Officer, WFA

Ilmoittaudu tästä ilmaiseen webinaariin


Lähde: WFA

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