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MRKTNG Day 10.-11.9.2019 Ylävire will entertain us on both days’ afterwork events

Ylävire is a band  formed by five friends from the city of Lahti. Their songs are about friendship, rock ‘n roll and the happy moments of life. After releasing their debut album, Viretä & Huiki on Spring 2019, they have been performing  music actively.  The have become known on their live performances, which are full of catchy melodies, solos and above all, about having a blast.

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MRKTNG Day 10.-11.9.2019 guest speaker Sonia Hussain, YouTube

YouTube Creators - the Next Generation of Media Companies In the last year, channels with over one million subscribers nearly doubled. Across the globe and in Finland, YouTube creators are spearheading a new generation of media companies. As a marketer, it’s becoming vital to understand how to include these new media power houses in digital strategies. Join for insights on how the creator ecosystem are turning passion into business.

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MRKTNG Day 10.-11.9.2019 guest speaker Iris Meijer, Vodafone Business

Being a brand with purpose has always been central to Vodafone’s values. Iris Meijer, CMO at Vodafone Business, will take you through Vodafone’s approach to being purpose-led and how the company is delivering its commitment to improve one billion lives and halve its environmental impact by 2025, building a digital society that enhances socio-economic progress, embraces everyone and does not come at the cost of our planet.

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YouTube Creator Meet&Greet for Marketers -tapahtuma

YouTube Creator Meet&Greet tuo yhteen kotimaisia vaikuttajia, brändien edustajia, creatoreita, MCN:iä ja YouTuben omaa väkeä.  Tapahtumassa käydään sisältömarkkinoinnin paneelikeskustelu sen ympäriltä, miten vaikuttajat voivat käyttää omaa kanavaansa hyvän tekemiseen sekä mitä brändit odottavat vaikuttajilta positiivisen vaikuttamisen suhteen ja kuinka yhteiset arvot ovat mukana tuloksellisen markkinoinnin tekemisessä. Tapahtuman järjestävät yhteistyössä Marketing Finland ja Google.