End of third-party cookie: the future is to first-party data

End of third-party cookie: the future is to first-party data

After Firefox, Explorer and Safari, it is up to Chrome to announce the deletion of third party cookies from its browser.

By 2022, it will now be impossible to collect data via this type of cookies, which makes advertisers grind their teeth. Indeed, Google, with its Chrome browsers, currently covers 60% of the market.

If navigational cookies are useful to avoid having to type in one’s email address and password for each access to a website, third-party cookies are useful to advertisers. They are used to create targeted advertisements and collect data on the interests and purchase intentions of internet users.

In a post-GDPR world, it was inevitable that Google would also sort itself out. If the change in advertising has the effect of a bomb for advertisers and media, what challenges but also opportunities do these future changes represent?

What are the challenges for advertisers and media?

For the media and advertisers, the end of the third-party cookie on web browsers leads to several challenges.

There is, of course, an impact on monetisation and a decrease in the effectiveness of internet advertising. Jean-Luc Chetrit, Managing Director of Union des Marques, rang the alarm in the newspaper Le Monde last February: ”We must not return to a world where advertising is not interesting. Advertising is there to generate growth for companies.” Without the information collected by third-party cookies, it will be even more difficult for advertisers to determine the return on investment of their advertising and, therefore, for the media to sell their advertising space. 

On the Ad Tech community side, the pressure is rising. They must now find solutions to create an effective advertising market. The two-year timeframe should give them time to make the necessary decisions to move towards a world without third-party cookies.

The future is to first-party data

As a result of the combination of GDPR, advertising fraud and data leakage issues threatening their revenues, not to mention the tightening of the GAFA’s grip on global advertising markets, the media industry has begun to refocus on the value of its first-party data. As The Economist announced in 2017: ”The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.”

While 96% of publishers and advertisers say they are ready for a world without third-party cookies, most of them do not hesitate to state that they are exploiting less than half of the potential of their first-party data (source: campaignlive.co.uk).

This first-party data corresponds to the data directly collected by advertisers and the media. It can be, for example, declarative data provided voluntarily by Internet users, but also behavioural data collected on their websites or data relating to subscriptions. These data are, therefore, so-called ”proprietary” data, as opposed to second and third-party data.

An opportunity for data collection platforms

For media and advertisers, turning to data collection and management tools to better segment and use the data they already have in their hands is a necessity. Data Management Platform (DMP), Customer Data Platform (CDP), data collection platform,… tools already exist to help media and brands overcome a future without third-party cookies.

If today, the simplest way to collect first-party data is the form, there are also innovative tools, such as Qualifio, which relies on interactivity and games as a lever for marketing actions and data collection. Quizzes, contests, personality tests and many other formats allow first-party data to be collected and subsequently activated. Thanks to this type of tools, the quality of the collected declarative data is optimal, in compliance with the GDPR. 

The end of the third-party cookie will restructure the behaviour of advertising markets and the way advertisers think. And if alternatives already exist, a change in the way advertisers and publishers operate is more than necessary.


As a member of the Marketing Finland community, Qualifio is offering you free access to its data collection platform.

You’ll be able to:

  • Create interactive content (quizzes, surveys, games, contests, etc.) and publish them on all your digital channels;
  • Collect first-party data;
  • Offer your advertisers alternatives for digital exposure.

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Article by Qualifio

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